About Us

Our Story – Everything You Need to Know
I was about four years old when the feelings of altruism were first introduced. My parents would volunteer me, over my big brothers, to deliver meals to our elderly neighbor known by the neighborhood kids as “Crazy Mary.” I can remember as a kid rejecting the notion that Mary was crazy, and I felt that she was lonely and scared, hence the reason for the barbed wire surrounding the perimeter. Mary was often seen peeking through the curtain in fear of prowlers. The rewarding feelings surfaced after delivering those home-cooked meals as a child propelled my desire to continue altruistic acts. Unbeknownst to me, mom’s home-cooked meal deliveries set the foundation for my future as an occupational therapist and business owner.
After working in an inpatient rehab shortly after graduating from OT school, I decided to take a job in a skilled nursing facility that offered more money. I quickly learned that money wasn’t everything. While working in this new facility, I noticed a particularly demented patient in bed. She was bedbound and unable to shift or roll in bed independently. She was also incontinent of bowel and bladder. Subsequently, she developed pressure ulcers, partly because the staff failed to provide proper care. This patient-resident was in the same flat-on-back position every hour of every day. I approached my supervisor about my concerns about this helpless, voiceless patient on several occasions without resolution. As an ethical but young/naive therapist, I knew I had to do something more, so I decided to take it to the next level without thought of consequences.
I approached the building administrator, confident that patient care would be paramount. To make a long story short, the next day, I was reprimanded for “breaking the chain of command” and suspended for three days without pay. This was a humbling and awaking experience for me while standing in the unemployment line. At that point, and after just three years of clinical experience, I knew I could provide BETTER healthcare. Subsequently, on the first day of suspension, I went downtown to incorporate my business and started the company known today as Adaptive Home Therapy. Fast forward 20+ years later, and we continue to grow while providing the same high-quality, ethical care I sought out to do while standing on the unemployment line 20+ years prior.
Today, Adaptive Home Therapy, Inc. (AHT) has steadfastly continued the mission for high-quality and expert in-home physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. Our spectacular employee reviews tell the real story. We only hire clinicians and support staff with the same high care standards. These high standards and 20+ years of home care experience set us apart from other home therapy agencies and practices. Today many outpatient therapy practices attempt to imitate our service model by adding a homecare division, not for the passion of homecare but for the revenue. As a consumer/patient, you always have a choice in your homecare so ask for the experts at AHT!

About the Owner
James Cino, OT/L, License # 46TR00029400
- Over 27 years of clinical experience
- Member of the American Occupational Therapy Association
- Member of the New Jersey Occupational Therapy Association
- Areas of practice include: acute, sub-acute, in-patient, out-patient, and homecare
- Clinical treatment experience includes Alzheimer’s, stroke, Parkinson’s, dementia, multiple sclerosis, ALS, traumatic brain injury, standing balance disorders, orthopedic injuries of the hand and shoulder
- Approved lecturer at AOTA national conference in Indianapolis 2012 on “Treatment of learned helplessness – thinking outside the home”
- Thomas Jefferson University Special Alumni Achievement Award 2012
- Awarded state grant for in-home caregiver education
- Served on the Thomas Jefferson University’s Alumni Board 2008
- Lab Instructor for Thomas Jefferson University’s OT Department 2011, 2012
- Cover story feature for advance for occupational therapy practitioners (vol. 21, no.21, page 12.)
- Registered Medicare provider
- Volunteer – sandy victim food delivery, youth sports coach, community lecturer on fall prevention/safety
James Cino